+263 78 735 4259
8am - 5pm
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About Us

Get to know more about Mbire

Mbire district is located in the Zambezi valley approximately 200KM north of Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital. Mbire is home to some of the country’s best kept tourism and heritage secrets. It boats of vast tracts of land facing the mighty Zambezi river water-front at Kanyemba. This is also the border separating Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique.


*151*2*2*42808*Amount# for Ecocash/Swipe.

Notices Please note that all leases and payments of license fees are due on the first of January on the beginning of the year.
For any queries call/WhatsApp the Finance department on 07865211040

About us!

Civil Works & Planning

Finance & Economic Development

Health & Social Services Department


Our Council Departments

Procurement Management Unit

Internal Audit Department

Natural Resources & Agriculture Department

Administration & Human Resources Management

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1 +
Satisfied Clients
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Area km²
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Team Members

We have a expert team to serve you.

We love what we do and we do it with passion. We value our clients and make sure we provide service to them. So that we can improve community livelihoods.

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    Get in touch

    We want to share our location to find us easily.

    Office address

    Mushumbi GP, PO Box 539, Zimbabwe

    Telephone number

    +263 78 735 4259

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